Project 1 - PB Route
A 132kv restringing project in Kent near to Dagenham for Wood group and UKPN.
The project entailed re-conductoring twin Zebra ACSR to single Rubus AAAC conductors and Lynx to Similar OPGW earth wire. The Acronym OPGW stands for Optical Ground Wire.
Some Catenary Aerial Support Systems have been used where the earth wire crosses the M25 motorway and some 11kv assets.
Utilising 4 teams of 5 men including puller/tensioner gangs Advantage NRG have provided full manpower and supervision to the PB Warley project.
Pulled in sections of 5 spans, 8 spans and one span at the beginning of the project the conductors were pulled in one sheave of the running block but later a dedicated twin to single headboard was provided and traditional continuous tension stringing operations resumed.
As well as the pulling sections, down-leads were to be replaced at one end of both circuits.